10 Xupervisor Features that Make Your Life Easier

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The Meeting Place of Sophistication and Simplicity


Here at Xensam, our mission is to deliver a technically perfect toolset that streamlines your process and provides you with the most accurate, in-depth, and easy-to-read data possible. It is this mission that has led us to develop the best SAM toolset on the market with over 66,000 vendors supported, and 800,000 applications recognized. However it is not just these large-scale benefits that our solution offers you. We have thought through the entire process down to the minute detail – designing the perfect product to give you the highest quality data, in the simplest format. There are many Super-Functions to Xupervisor which will be covered through an independent blog series on Hero Features but this post will focus on just 10 small aspects loved by our customers.

1) Advanced Filters

When sorting through thousands of lines of data, one needs to be able to filter out those irrelevant to the current task. With many of Xensam’s legacy competitors you simply cannot do this in an efficient manner. In Xupervisor, for each tab (whether that be Software, Licenses, Hardware, etc.…) one can apply Advance Filters. These are quickly deployed, simple, tailored filters that sort through the data chart. Multiple can be applied to account for several requirements to the presented statistics. The result: a simplified list of all the figures one wishes to review.

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2) Customizable Dashboards

We know that sometimes all one needs is an easy-to-understand, informative, and quick overview of one’s environment to order upcoming tasks. In Xupervisor, each tab has a fully customizable overview section which can be tailored to specific requirements. Widgets can be added, ordered, and their size changed to create an efficient, personalized workspace.

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3) Prefilled Recognition Request Button

The Request Recognition function is one of the most celebrated features in Xupervisor. In many legacy tools if you need to make a recognition request from the Raw Inventory, you must contact a technician who enters the backend at server level and normalizes the data there. This is a long, clumsy process that wastes your time. At Xensam, our solution has been designed around simplifying processes such as these. In Xupervisor, under the Raw Inventory tab, one can easily view all product names and executable files. Each have their own Request Recognition button that opens a prefilled box with information about the Executable Path, and Product Description, etc.…. This allows you to submit a request to Xensam’s Support Team who will usually get back to you within 3 to 4 hours with your recognized application. It may sound too good to be true but, with Xensam, it really is that simple. No more waiting around for weeks; no more dealing with complicated technician requests; just quick, simple, and efficient. The Xensam way. 

10 Features of Xupervisor That Simply Make Your Life Easier – Software Asset Management Xensam

4) Multi-Edit Button

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This may seem like a simple feature, but it is one element (of many) in Xensam’s toolset that make it stand out over its competitors. We know that the quicker you can complete those simple, yet time-consuming tasks, the more effective you can make your working day. With the Multi-Edit function, one can multi select data rows to apply an action too. This can be used for Software, Licenses, Contracts, Computers, Users, Hardware, Organizations, and Administration. Actions like deleting contracts will suddenly only take you seconds rather than hours!

5) Easy to Assign Licenses to Users

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The Manual Assign button is there to help you simply allocate certain metrics (whether Installation, Processor, Processor Core, or PVU) to specific users or computers. Once one enables the Manual Assign function, two adjacent boxes pop up at the top of the screen. From here, one can select the metric from the first list and assign it to the computer or user from the other. 

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6) Peak Level Data 

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Peak level data is a visual representation of how an application was historically, and is currently deployed, taking into account a plethora of different license metrics, such as Installation, User, Processor/Core, PVU etc. It also looks at the licenses allocated at the time to provide a historical compliance position for each piece of software. Whilst being extremely useful in managing license programs such as SPLA, Peak Level functionality also allows for the tracking of historical compliance issues and records the tangible and verifiable differences Software Asset Managers have made to the business through license/cost optimization and the aversion of financial risks.

7) Prioritize Sorting Orders

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When filtering data, Xensam’s toolset not only allows one to tailor which columns are available to view but also gives one the ability to oversee how the rows are ordered by altering the priority of the columns. In the above image the data would be ordered with Total Installations (decreasing) being the primary filter; then Total Users (decreasing) having secondary importance; and, finally, Used Installations (increasing) being the last filter.

8) Recognition

When it comes to application recognition, Xensam is unbeaten in the industry. When compared, by a third-party organisation, against the two historically sector-leading, legacy tool competitors, Xensam’s recognition blew them out of the water. In this third-party test environment, the legacy tools scored around 40% recognition in comparison to over 93% by Xensam! Both more accurate and broader, Xensam’s toolset is able to recognize over 800,000 applications (without even taking into account the millions of malware apps). When you thought it could not get any better, we do this all out-of-the-box; there is no need for you to configure or recalibrate the toolset, you will get correct, comprehensive, precise data immediately.

9) Specific EOL Dates

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Another simple, yet highly important, feature we provide is the ability to automatically add an End-of-Life column to your Software view. With this information easy to access, one can ensure there are no issues with outdated or unsupported software. At this point, users will no longer receive updates and the vendor stops the marketing, selling, or provisioning of parts, and services. It is crucial EOL and extended-EOL dates are easily accessible in order to enhance security and remove bloatware. With you in mind, we have developed the perfect toolset to make the SAM process as easy as possible.

10) Compare Toggle

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Available in most tabs, this toggle allows you to select chart rows and simultaneously open their in-depth information. These are stacked at the top of your page for a quick, easy, and informative comparison of different Licenses, Computers, Users, etc. It is even feasible to open multiple pages on multiple screens to allow smarter views and greater efficiency.

11) Auto-Assigned Licenses (enjoy an 11th outstanding feature because, here at Xensam, everything we do exceeds expectations)

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The final feature that this post will highlight is the Auto-Assigned License function. By turning this on, every night, Xensam will automatically map the email addresses on all your devices (with Xearch installed) and compare them to corresponding Microsoft 365 and Adobe software. The feature will then automatically create licenses based on the inventory from Xync and assign them to users with the matching email address. As the only product on the market that does this, Xensam’s toolset will save you hours in manual license assignment. 

This post has outlined 11 small qualities of Xupervisor that make it the most advanced SAM toolset on the market. However, it is by no means a comprehensive list, nor is Xupervisor the only part of Xensam’s SAM solutions; so, if you wish to learn more about how we can help you, contact us. 

Follow Xensam at IAITAM ACE 2024 in Las Vegas!

Xensam is exhibiting at the IAITAM ACE event in Las Vegas May 7-9th. Thought leader Alex Geuken is presenting on software licensin

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