Xensam: 2020 in Numbers


Looking Back on 2020 

Development Progress: During 2020, Xensam published 55 new releases, adding 158 new features and 506 improvements. This equates to an average of 5 releases per month, of which 13 were new features and 42 were improvements. All these improvements have been added to all Xensam customers without them having to do anything, all seamlessly added in the background, which is the power of the “Cloud Experience”. No interruption, no rollbacks, all compatible with Xensam’s agents no matter which version you are on. And all this added with no extra cost: everything is included in the price. Our customers testify that through its technology and business model, Xensam delivers the best SAM tool experience in the industry.  

Total  Releases  Features  Improvements 
Xupervisor  28  138  455 
Xearch  10  5  16 
Xeach Linux/Mac  5  9  15 
Xync  12  6  20 
Total  55  158  506 
Per Month  5  13  42 

As an example of its power, here are some areas of Xensam’s ITAM automation: 

  • Normalizing applications (No need for manual normalization) 
  • Discovering Web applications being used and/or purchased around the business (Shadow IT)  
  • Pinpointing whether the users are actually using applications – in the cloud or on-premise. (No need to ask managers, teams, or users if they are using the app as you have the data) 
  • Automatic allocation of licenses to applications for compliance – even in the datacenter. (Usually a complex, time-consuming, manual task) 
  • No need to divide license suites into single component licenses as Xensam automatically covers license suite allocations. 
  • Broad range of standard license reports, automated and available at the touch of a button.  
  • One view to control all, software, hardware, licenses, compliance, users, usage, agents, connectors and configurations.  


    Highlight of Releases: 

    • A.I for Software Normalization 
    • License Suites 
    • Oracle DB Options and Management Packs (14 prebuilt reports; outofthebox) 
    • Containers management without direct agent installation on Container 
    • GitHub Connector 
    • Google Workspace Connector (G-Suite) 
    • Salesforce Connector 
    • Slack Connector 

    Software Recognition – The Heart of any SAM Solution 

    Xensam has not rested on being the best software recognition on the market as this also has been greatly improved during 2020 by adding thousands of new applications per month. This means that the SAM manager can work with license & cost optimization, and IT strategy instead of manual tasks and collating accurate data. Examples of manual tasks are below: 

    1. Normalizing applications 
    1. Upgrade and downgrade paths 
    1. Manual allocation of licenses 
    1. Manual checking for security risks of EOL 
    1. Cost Center, Internal Invoicing and the financial risk of and Audit 
    1. Obtaining and recording hardware warranty information 

    Manufacturers  Applications  Web  Apps  Applications with price  Applications with Lifecycle  License Suites  SKU 
    53 359  348 946  18 709  30 593  40 142  13 114  1 374 392 

    Image (3)

    Supporting all our customer and partners during 2020 

    For Xensam, support is very important. Our customers and partners are important to us and we will do our best to make the “Cloud Experience” the best experience. During 2020, Xensam received over 1000 support tickets and more than 90% of these were resolved within 72 hours. We see you and we hear you.  

    All Tickets  Year 2020 
    Created  1039 
    Solved  1020 

    Why Xensam.

    Xensam is the fastest growing SAM tool in the market, providing customer with the best software and cloud recognition, with active usage.  Xensam grow more than 100%  during 2020 and the pandemic, adding new markets for both customer and partners. Xensam is now present with customers and partners in 16 countries, reaching from Canada to Australia. First class support and the easiest experience from implementation to day to day usage. It is easy to purchase, easy to implement and easy to use. When the “SAM Manager” gets to decide! Looking on what customer says Xensam has the highest rating on peer to peer insight from Gartner. In 2021, you won’t need to wait another year for next release of your SAM software; you can expect new functions in January, as well as in every other month of the year.  

    Would you like to experience the ease of Xensam? Contact us now for a demo info@xensam.com 

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