Xensam Money Back Guarantee


Stockholm, Sweden, April 3, 2020 – To help organizations in their daily work and make business decisions easier in this time of crisis, Xensam will guarantee any organization at least 200% ROI within 60 days of deployment or money back, plus the software free for the remainder of the year. This offer is valid between April 3, 2020 and May 31, 2020.

The following terms apply:

  • 90% of the purchased licenses and all applicable connectors (Microsoft 365/Adobe CC) need to be deployed, configured and correctly reporting back to the Xupervisor server no later than 30 days from purchase.
  • The cost saving measurement will be done once, and that is 60 days after at least 90% of the purchased agents have been deployed and the applicable connectors configured.
  • The reports used to determine the cost savings are Cost Savings Local Software and Cost Savings Cloud Software. The combined cost savings of these two reports will be the number that is calculated against the fee of the initial subscription year of the Xensam subscription.
  • These reports use the most applicable list prices for our customers together with the most common metrics for the specific products. Even if the Customer has special license prices, education licenses, site licenses, special license metrics or something else that makes the reports not 100% accurate, the cost saving numbers in the reports will still apply.
  • If Xensam fails to show a cost saving that is equal or higher than 200% of the fee for the initial year of the Xensam subscription in the two reports mentioned above, the money for the first subscription year will be returned to the Customer within 30 days. If the Customer has signed up for more than a 12 months subscription, the Customer might also choose to terminate the remainder of the subscription after these initial 12 months. Such a termination must be notified to Xensam in writing no later than 30 days before the initial subscription year ends. If the Customer chooses to continue with the product, the Customer will be billed as normal for the remaining subscription years.
  • This offer only applies to contracts signed and sent to Xensam between April 3, 2020 and May 31, 2020, and if requested by the Customer.

For more information, please reach out to Xensam on www.xensam.com or email info@xensam.com.

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