The Cloud Experience


“Out of the 15,431 asset management software buyers who used Comparesoft to shortlist and compare software tools, we found that 90% of them have a preference for cloud-based systems.”


What is the Cloud Experience?

The Cloud Experience is Netflix, Uber, Spotify, PayPal and much more. The main difference with the cloud experience is that it is a service. You don’t need to have a DVD-player and rent a movie, or a CD-player and purchase a CD, or go to the bank and withdraw money. It’s something ongoing that is constantly updating and improving to bring more value.  It’s Opex instead of Capex.  Regardless of where your business is in its transformational journey, you want to focus on SAM, vendor strategy, negotiations, optimization, cost reduction and avoiding audits, while also reducing operational costs.  Cloud, as part of a digital transformation, helps drive speed and agility; it lets you focus and utilize your skills as a SAM manager instead of maintaining a SAM tool.

What does the Cloud Experience mean for you?

The Cloud Experience means you can focus your time, energy and skills on strategy, optimization, reporting and cost savings instead of maintenance/updates of your SAM infrastructure. You don’t need to manually allocate any licenses if they can be automatically allocated by the tool.  It also means there is no hardware to purchase, update and support, and no software cost, maintenance or support.  It’s all a service.  And incidentally, the compliance of your own SAM tool is guaranteed, since Xensam only counts the number of agents, and if you use the PAYG model you can’t be noncompliant!  No modules to keep track of, users or version.  The focus instead is entirely on SAM!

Ongoing value – It’s better tomorrow. The system is automatically updated on average every 14 days.

Contract freedom – Pay as you go, and more importantly: Pay for what you use!

Automatic/Instant – Built by the SAM manager for the SAM manager. Focus on automating the manual tasks of allocating licenses.  The power of the cloud makes the experience delay free.

Anywhere/Anytime – Use Xupervisor on any device at any time anywhere. The freedom of the cloud means that you only need the Internet to check compliance, optimize, provide a report or search for a hardware device.

Intuitive/User Friendly – No complex backend, which means you can simply use columns to add or remove the data needed for your task.  Create your custom report from any view.  The system follows the same UX language throughout, and if you can navigate one section you have already mastered the entire system.

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The system is updated on average every 14 days –As a SaaS solution, we can add new functionality to all our customers over night.  As a result, we are much closer to our customers and able to understand their daily challenges and improve our solution to help them in their everyday work.

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Intuitive and User Friendly 

A SAM tool is an information system, collecting, refining, sorting and presenting data related to software. This includes everything from software applications and licenses, to users and virtualization technologies.  

However, this data needs to be accessible and easily shared within the organization. Inaccessible data, despite how good it might be, is useless. Xupervisor is driven by one fundamental rule: User-friendliness must never be compromised.   

To add a new user, simply add the email address of the user you want to add and specify the different access rights.  If you don’t want a user in the system, it is possible to schedule prebuilt or custom reports to share the data with both internal and external users over email. Since the Cloud doesn’t have a backend, this is all done directly in the Xupervisor portal with a few clicks, which can save you time and the company money while providing greater value. 

Xensam Business Model 

Pay As You Go or Upfront Payment – The choice is yours, and regardless what you pick, Xensam only charges for the number of agents. This means hosting, support, updates, connectors (current and future) are all included in the base price. No hidden fees and no separate modules to lure you in with a treacherous low base price.  

Now you have the option of what suits your business best.  Do you want to pay upfront on a yearly basis like more traditional software procurement, or would you prefer to get a monthly invoice based on what you are using?  

Upfront Payment – Traditional software procurement where you pay in advanced, yearly true up or yearly fees. 

Pay As You Go – Get a monthly invoice based on what you are actually using.  Xensam invoices based on installed, active agents. There are no levels or bands you need to consider. If you purchase 3,000 agents, you get this exact quantity’s discount. The more agents you purchase, the cheaper each additional agent becomes. We think this is the fairest business model.  Focus on what you need, and you will be invoiced accordingly. Xensam will automatically optimize your software spend for you, and you will never be over-licensed as you will with other SaaS solutions. 

Why we have an all-inclusive Business model 

When we talk about SAM Solutions, there are different challenges to take into consideration.  

  • Covering all vendors.

When you are audited, the audit will cover your entire hardware and software installation. This means that if you don’t cover your entire IT environment with your SAM solution you can be blindsided by an audit. We talk about this in terms of Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns. With a Known Unknown, you know you are noncompliant with Adobe but you just don’t know how much. With an Unknown Unknown, you receive an audit letter for a vendor and application you didn’t even know you had.  

  • Covering all complexity. Virtualization, SaaS, AD and specific vendor’s applications 

If you purchase a SAM solution and it doesn’t cover all vendors, applications and functions it’s not a complete SAM solution. All SAM systems are information systems.  Excluding parts of the solution means exposing yourself to risks; if you don’t know what you have you don’t know what your exposure is.  As an example, if you have Microsoft and O365 but the O365 connector costs extra, this means you are paying for an incomplete solution.  A SAM tool is supposed to cover all vendors and all applications. A module-based business model doesn’t make sense.  In the Xensam solution everything is included – hosting, support, upgrades, improvements, connectors and implementation.  You get a complete solution not just parts of a SAM solution.  

Summary – The Cloud Experience will give you an easier way of doing SAM – easy to purchase, easy to implement and easy to use. Xupervisor will help automate the manual tasks of your daily routines so you can focus on cost savings, optimization and eliminating risk of audits. No need to worry about updates, maintenance or not using the right version, the Cloud Experience always delivers the latest version out of the box.  Bug fixes, updates and new functionality are added continuously with no hassle or extra cost. All included in one solution for one price.

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